Enough of this fat clown |
Even though the Jets and Rex Ryan have had more public controversey and scrutiny over the past two years than every other team, I don't see what this book can tell us that ESPN couldn't put into a Ryan Top-Ten and have it be more interesting. What self respecting person is actually going to take the time to learn about the trivial trials of the Jets and Rex Ryan?
The only two things that I would really be interested in reading about would be A: The Foot PornGate incident and his thoughts on the videos that both he and his wife were in and videos that his wife and some random black dudes were in. Clearly this issue made Rex uncomfortable but he is the one that invites all this attention on himself so he should man up and talk about it.
The other thing I would want to hear about it TripGate. But it has already been reported that Rex says that neither he nor Jets special teams' coach Mike Westhoff had any prior knowledge to the incident. We all know that is dog shit.
Finally everything else that Ryan supposedly talks about in the book is stuff we all know and shouldn't really care about. Rex has already said he doesn't like Tom Brady. No one does. He says that Kerry Rhodes was selfish and that Vernon Gholston was a "phony." No shit, If anyone's ever heard Kerry Rhodes talk its clear that he's all about him self and everyone in the world knows that Vernon Gholston's playing ability is equivalent to Vin Diesel's acting ability. I'm sure that if I were a Jets fan I would love Rex's "Come Get Some" and tell all attitude but in the end...he's coached for two years. We don't need a book.
Rex is the man Dallas is Wack