Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What you got in dem jeans?

Caught with his pants down
It may be the stupidest story of the year but I think there's a bit of an under toe in play here. Dez Bryant...the future of the Cowboys...the star rookie receiver with a past peppered with laughable slip-up's was issued a warning (Not an arrest) for wearing his pants too low and showing his undies at a North Dallas mall. Normally, this wouldn't be a story but since its the Cowboys and its Dez Bryant it is. This is actually not Dez's first mall incident. He's been cited for cutting people in line and having a verbal altercation with a lady friend. Some people just can't handle their shopping I guess....Dez and his agent are saying that it was actually his friends whose pants were sagging and Dez was just trying to understand what was going on...that sounds pretty intelligent and truthful.

My first reaction is that the security guard was probably some low-level hick looking to make a name for himself by trying to stand up to a star black guy and there probably is some truth to this. I mean who really cares if your pants are at your ass? It's a mall not the White House correspondence dinner. I'm pretty sure few white guys would be asked to do this and I would probably be upset too if I were Dez. Like go fuck off Paul Blart.

On the other hand, Dez Bryant needs to understand something. He is being paid by the man. He is in the mainstream culture now and that means he has to somewhat play by the rules because there is a spot-light on him and a greater amount of accountability. He has to be smarter and just diffuse the situation before it turns into what this is turning into. Just pull your pants up, buckle your belt and go by your Lebron's and go to a strip club. Stop hanging out in the mall like your in 7th grade.

And not for nothing but at the end of the day if you wear your pants way down your a fucking tool so Dez: Man up starting at the waist.

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